Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How do you call ANY revenue non-traditional?

Have you noticed that “non-traditional” is the category which, for radio, continues to grow every single month? Regardless of what you call it - the money is still GREEN! And most stations and clusters need more of it. Fusion Innovative Marketing has proven ideas that will get your clients (and prospects) to spend more money with your radio station.

“We create turnkey integrated programs that your advertisers will buy.”

Fusion Innovative Marketing President Jay Freedman says, “Why swim with all the sharks (competition) in the red water? Fusion is designing new ways to go after dollars that take you from the red water to the blue water!” Freedman is part of a team that has orchestrated more than 3,500 customized sales programs and promotions for over 600 radio stations, advertisers and marketing groups in 300 markets. These programs have generated over $40 million at the local level for its clients.

What kind of programs? “We’re all about delivering programs that are online and out-of-the home focused. The kind of program depends on the needs of the station and its client. “We conduct a needs analysis before suggesting a specific program for a station or client.” Jay adds, “Our experience shows there are so many ways to bring the dollars in. And there is nothing ‘non-traditional’ about it. “Today, its about the “R” (Revenue), and stations need to find it in as many places they can.”

“The primary focus is helping stations get incremental dollars beyond spot.”

Freedman adds, “Whether the station uses our print elements or online content through their website, reading our E-book or Microsite editions, we’ve got countless themes that pair up with every sales category. And historically our 4th quarter programs are some of the most successful, with a focus on holiday initiatives for all formats.
For stations that are event savvy, we provide a 360 degree approach with our Virtual Events application, online event content, e-magazines and tangible guides that collectively drive results and revenue for stations.

Our Virtual Career Fair provides a website that looks just like you are walking into an exhibit hall. “Users can visit a booth, submit resumes, chat live, watch a video about the client; we’re able to put users right there. For sports stations we created a Pro and College Pick’m game that is 100% locally customized to a station and its advertisers. It carries a large grand prize and is built to keep listeners coming to your website week after week.”

“Building non-spot radio revenue is the single most important goal today.”

The sooner you evaluate all of the attributes of our program the sooner you can realize its growth potential!

Jay reflects, “Radio salespeople and managers are doing so many things right, and the single biggest challenge is having too much on their plate. Our specialists have extensive experience and success delivering ‘How to do it’ in a box, so all a station has to do is go out and sell.”

Fusion now offers a barter program designed for maximum station revenues with zero expense falling onto your budget. Our annual program combines three or more Fusion programs, complete with the same great content, flexibility and service as a CASH program, paid via a weekly schedule on one or more of your stations for 52 weeks.

How are you going to deliver your budget numbers this quarter? Fusion Innovative Marketing offers solutions for all revenue lines, event marketing, internet revenue, even spot revenue increases. Call for details and we’ll explain how we can deliver new revenue.

Contact Jay Freedman,
Fusion Innovative Marketing

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