Friday, November 13, 2009

The right way to use marketing resources

In the final part of our conversation with Point-To-Point Marketing’s Tim Bronsil and Rob Klemm, Inside Radio’s Blue Page asks about the ultimate keys to success when executing a marketing campaign. On the flip side, we also ask about the mistakes some stations make.

“Let’s start with the mistakes some stations make with their marketing. Do you have an example?”

Rob Klemm: The biggest mistake we have seen, especially in this economic environment, is failure to focus. Stations need to recognize that PPM makes precision targeting more effective and important than in the past. Marketing radio with a mass-marketing approach wastes substantial resources. Think of it this way…using television to reach households that influence PPM in your market is like buying national TV to influence people in Jackson, Mississippi.

Recognize that not all listeners are equal, and that Survey-Friendly households are king, and focus your message. By doing that you can move station-compatible listeners from neutral to positive, and up the ladder to high usage.

Tim Bronsil: To follow up on Rob’s point, since dollars must deliver a bigger ROI than in the past, another mistake we see is spending in “chunks.” The central issue with marketing for PPM changes to one where you focus on growing reasons to USE the station more often. Simply recalling the station is no longer the central issue, as it was with the diary. Now real usage becomes king. Ongoing marketing provides substance needed to benefit from changes in the landscape and continually reinforce values. Instead of spending in chunks, find the right homes and businesses compatible with your station. Use a message with which Survey-Friendly “information seekers” can spend time. Reach people frequently with substantive “time-spent-viewing” oriented marketing.

RK: Working recently with a Top 10 market station, we analyzed the zips that mattered in diary versus PPM. We saw there are 20-25% fewer zips that matter in PPM as opposed to diary. This gave them a very manageable geography to own.

“In conclusion, let’s talk about Point-To-Point’s Keys To Success. Will you summarize?”

TB: We have three basic axioms. First, recognize that listeners are not all equal. Some will participate in the survey-meter process, some won’t. Second, always use marketing with which information seekers can spend time. Third, grow the average daily cume. By following these, we’re focusing on those Survey-Friendly households and giving them something with which they can spend time, satisfying their interest for information. We reinforce the reasons your primary users listen to you, and grow recognition for those values on behalf of others for more listening occasions. By increasing average daily cume, you improve your possibility for bigger average quarter hours.

Tim Bronsil — 513-231-0344
Mark Heiden — 970-472-0131
Rob Klemm — 815-369-2121
Rick Torcasso — 972-661-1361

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