Tuesday, March 3, 2009


From purchases to employment decisions, studies show people are researching major decisions prior to taking any action. The primary reason is the 24/7, convenient, multi-sensory experience that this medium provides. So why not go where the people are when you’re looking for new radio revenue?

Virtual Events offer radio a chance to reach out to consumers and create:

• Year-round consumer relationships...
• One destination to experience all of a client’s products, services, history and even media...
• Client site “stickiness”...
• Targeted marketing...
• Lead-cultivation, then lead-nurturing...

Quench your thirst for relevant content on your website while engaging your audience to participate with your brand and clients with a Virtual Event.

“It’s the epitome of integrated solutions for the client, says Triton Innovative Marketing President Jay Freedman. “A Virtual Event draws all your clients best marketing pieces into one concise, organized display, without the expense of renting a conference hall, erecting pipe & drape booths, requiring your clients’ best representatives to leave their company to sit at a table waiting for passers-by, creating printed flyers to draw attention, hospitality, man-power, etc. And, your listeners can participate when THEY are available, without hourly confines, parking fees, etc. This is truly a WIN-WIN-WIN- to infinity!”

How is a Virtual Event different from a Virtual remote?

Virtual Events can be a virtual remote, depending on the timeframe you make it live. However Virtual Events are so much more encompassing than a “remote.”

Virtual Events can be created for almost ANY theme. You can have clients from multiple sectors working into that theme, i.e. Bridal Event, Green Expo, Job Fair, Auto Show, and Pet Fair.

What information does a client provide?

“As much as possible. This program is designed to be a 1-stop showcase of video, audio, pictures, digital links and content; all housed in one “booth” for the consumer/prospect to access on-demand. Now all of your marketing materials are a mouse-click away from your target audience.”

Are analytics available to clients?

“They will get a full time stamped database of everyone ‘entering’ the show floor. Demographic and qualitative information requested from attendee is customizable for each show. Every visit and click within the floor is tracked to show your client the success of the booth or display,” says Freedman.

Can we generate a database from the attendees? Can I share with my clients?

“You, as our client, will receive the full database of all attendee info from each Virtual Event. Your core consumer entered the event from your site, therefore you have their trust; we recommend you send correspondence FOR YOUR client with information, promotions, etc. on their behalf while protecting the information your audience gave to you.”

Best of all - it works!

“We are making more money and advertisers recognize that the fixed pages online combined with the radio spots are a highly effective combination.This creates a win-win scenario for our listeners, the employer and the station.” -- Vic Savelli, Executive Vice President, Digital Media, Gap Broadcasting, LLC

Contact Jay Freedman,

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